Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI Explained: Its Potential and Benefits for You

Join us for an enlightening two-evening workshop on generative artificial intelligence (AI). Discover how AI tools can enhance and revolutionize both your professional and personal endeavors. This workshop is tailored for tech enthusiasts, business professionals, and anyone eager to understand the future of AI. We’ll simplify the complex principles of generative AI and highlight its diverse applications.

Presenter: Peter Shea, M.A., serves as the Director of Professional Development at Middlesex Community College and is an instructional designer. With years of experience in tracking AI advancements, he has delivered presentations at various education conferences. His most recent conference presentation focused on the integration of generative AI in education. (5 hours) $99
Wednesday, October 16 and 23, 2024
Online via Zoom from 6p - 8:30p
Course Number CAR 922-75
CRN 18460
Professor: Shea
Last Modified: 7/16/24