Health Insurance

Chapter 15 of the General Laws of Massachusetts requires that all students enrolled in nine or more credit hours participate in the College Student Medical and Accident Insurance Plan.

Please note: The health insurance fee must be paid in full by the deadline date in order to receive coverage.

Students who already have comparable health insurance may waive this requirement by completing a waiver form which can be found on the waiver link listed below.

NOTE: You must CREATE A Profile using your MCC email at Gallagher Student to waive the insurance.  A verification link will be sent to that email. 

Use the steps below once you have clicked on Waiver Form:

    • Under Profile, Enter your email address to sign up or log in
    • Scroll down and click Waive
    • Fill out the require fields and click on continue
    • Click on Complete & Submit

*Waiver Form

Please note: The following can not be used to waive the insurance.
*MassHealth Limited, Children's Medical Security Plan, or Health Safety Net.
*Students enrolled in free care at a hospital.
*Students with an insurance policy of a foreign carrier.

View a summary of benefits

MCC’s Health Insurance Coverage Policy

Due to the expansion of course offerings in non-standard terms at MCC (specifically the Allied Health program courses and Weekend College program courses) and the resulting staggered class starts and registration timeframe, MCC’s policy on required health Insurance coverage is as follows:

  • Middlesex will require students enrolled in 9 credits or greater to have health insurance (either through MCC or comparable coverage on their own as defined by state) for the following effective enrollment periods.
    • Fall semester – Courses that start within four weeks (two weeks before and two weeks after) of MCC’s standard 15 week term.
    • Spring semester – Courses that start within four weeks (two weeks before and two weeks after) of MCC’s standard 15 week term.
  • In order for students to be deemed enrolled in 9 credits for health insurance coverage purposes, all courses comprising the 9 credits must be taken concurrently.

2024-2025 Health Insurance Fees

Students enrolled in 9 credits or more (mandatory):

Annual is $3,573.00
Deadline for annual waiver is October 28, 2024

Spring is $2,382.00
Deadline for Spring waiver is March 28,2025

Note: If a student fills out a waiver form and then loses coverage, they are eligible to enroll in the school's insurance plan. Students have 31 days from the date they lost coverage to enroll. Please call Gallagher Student at 1-877-333-3804 within the 31 day deadline. After 31 days, the student will no longer be eligible to enroll in the school's insurance plan.

Last Modified: 8/2/24