Media Release Forms

All photographers taking photos on college property or of college events must obtain a signed Media Release Form from each student, faculty member, staff person or member of the public who is visibly recognizable in the photograph. Crowd scenes in which no single person can be identified are exempt.

Download Media Release Forms

These rules govern photographs intended for use in any college publication of a marketing or a public relations nature, such as newsletters, brochures, viewbooks, promotional items, or other such material. Media Release Forms also must be obtained for photographs used on the college website and social media sites.

We Keep Media Release Forms on File -- Please send signed Media Release Forms to: Director of Communications & Creative Services, Cataldo Administration Building, Bedford campus. Our office retains a copy of Media Release Forms. 

Photos of children/minors

College photographs featuring anyone under the age of 18 are discouraged. If you must feature children or minors in your photos, we advise photographing them from behind, so only the BACKS OF THEIR HEADS will be in the shot and they are not recognizable.

If you elect to feature recognizable faces of children/minors in photos, you must submit a Media Release Form signed by their parent/guardian for each child/minor photographed before photos can be taken.

Photography on MCC Social Media Sites

MCC has a blanket photo release policy which states, "Middlesex Community College, a nonprofit Massachusetts Community College, reserves the right to take and use photographs, video and electronic images of students and visitors taken on college property and at college-sponsored events for marketing and promotional purposes."

While this simplifies record keeping and allows for more photographic flexibility, certain instances still require a signed Media Release Form. These situations include, but are not limited to, students under 18 years of age (Media Release Form must be signed by parent/guardian), and subjects used in a high-visibility location of a marketing piece (front covers, brochures, banners, billboards, etc.).

If in doubt, please get a signed Media Release Form!

Photo-Use FAQs

Q. Do I need a signed Media Release Form for an image used on a class or club website or Facebook page?
A. Yes, you must always obtain a signed Media Release Form for any images used on the MCC website – including social media sites.

Q. Do we need Media Release Forms if the people involved are employed at MCC?
A, You must obtain a signed Media Release Form from college employees, as well as nonemployees.

Q. What about photographing situations/events where children or individuals under the age of 18 are involved?
A. Legally, children and minors CANNOT give permission to take their photograph. You must obtain a signed Media Release Form from the parent or guardian of anyone under the age of 18 who is recognizable in your photographs. If in doubt, get a signed Media Release Form!   

Q. Who keeps Media Release Forms?
A. Signed Media Release Forms should be sent to: Director of Communications & Creative Services, Cataldo Administration Building, Bedford campus. Our office retains a copy of the Release Forms. 

Last Modified: 10/3/24