The Student JAF form has been replaced with the Student Hire Form, for all students being hired for positions at the College that are non-work study.
The Student Hire Form should be utilized if a student employee (non-work study) has
already been identified for a position. If a Hiring Manager seeks to post a student
position please refer to the Student Employee Request to Post process.
The Student Hire Form may be filled out by any employee delegated to complete the
form. This may include, but is not limited to, a direct supervisor, a senior leader,
or an administrative assistant.
The following information is requested on the Student Hire Form:
Personal information about the student employee including: first name, last name,
A# or HRCMS ID #, telephone number, address and email.
Employment classification group and the position title
Compensation details such as: the current fiscal year, the start and end date of the
assignment, the maximum obligation, the hourly rate, the total hours per week, and
the total hours for the semester.
Information regarding whether the student is currently enrolled in classes
Work schedule and location
Budget information such as: whether the position is grant funded, the index number,
the organization number, and the Banner position number.
Before the Student Hire Form may be processed, the Form will be reviewed by reviewers
in the task routing of the position. The individuals in the task routing of the Student
Hire Form include:
Human Resources/Payroll Representative
Cost Center Manager
Each person in the task routing will receive an email notification from Interview
Exchange when it is their turn to review the Student Hire form in the task routing
After the position has been reviewed and approved by all task routers, the hiring
manager of the student employee must go into Interview Exchange to generate the Student Hire Onboarding process.
The Onboarding process for a student hire includes an Employment Contract, I-9, W-4,
M-4 and direct deposit form. The Employment Contract must be generated to all student employees. The I-9, W-4, M-4, and direct deposit form, will depend on whether or not the student
employee is new or returning.
Step-by-Step Guides for Processing a Student Hire in Interview Exchange: