Hiring Request Form

  • The Hiring Request Form is used for all new positions, regardless of classification, or full-time/part-time status, or whether the position is grant funded.
  • The Position Request Form that was previously submitted to cabinet for position approval has been replacedwith the Hiring Request Form. Hiring Managers shall make requests for new full-time positions, through their Senior Leadership. All full-time positions are reviewed by the President and senior leadership on a weekly basis at the President's Leadership Council (PLC) and final recommendation is communicated to the Hiring Manager. After a request has been approved, a Hiring Request Form should be submitted through Interview Exchange.
  • The Hiring Request Form may be filled out by any employee delegated to complete the form. This may include, but is not limited to, a direct supervisor, a senior leader, or an administrative assistant.
  • The hiring request form requires that a job description is uploaded in order to proceed with the hiring request.
  • The following information is requested on the Hiring Request Form:
    • Whether the position is a full-time or part-time position.
    • Whether the position is a new or replacement position.
    • For full-time positions, the employment classification group, the proposed salary, the proposed position grade, and the proposed start date is requested.
    • For part-time positions, the employment classification group, the current fiscal year, the start and date end of the position, the total hours per week and per fiscal year, the pay rate and the maximum obligation is requested.  
    • The previous employee’s name if the position is a replacement.
    • The work schedule and location of the position. 
    • Budget information, such as whether or not the position is grant funded, the index number and the organization number.
  • Before the position is posted, the hiring request form will be reviewed by reviewers in the task routing of the position. The individuals in the task routing of the Hiring Request Form include: 
      1. Cost Center Manager
      2. Finance Representative
      3. Payroll Representative
      4. Human Resources Representative
  • Each person in the task routing will receive an email notification from Interview Exchange when it is their turn to review the Hiring Request Form in the task routing line.
  • After the position has been reviewed and approved by all task routers, the job is posted on Interview Exchange.
  • When a candidate is chosen:
    • After the search committee meets, interviews applicants and chooses a candidate, the search committee chair completes the Recommendation Form through Interview Exchange in order to begin the onboarding process. 

Step-by-Step Guides to Process a Hiring Request in Interview Exchange: 



Last Modified: 10/13/23