Consultation and Trainings

We are happy to provide informal consultation with faculty or staff who want to discuss a student. The following are examples of topics for consult discussion:
  • Learning about community resources available to share with a student
  • Talking through an incident that happened in class or on campus
  • Tips on setting boundaries with students who have come to rely on you for emotional support beyond your comfort level 
  • Education on specific diagnoses or issues that students are facing
If we don’t have specific answers you are looking for, we will always try to point you in the right direction.

Learning Opportunities 
In an effort to support you in your work with students, the WRC staff offer the following:
  • Classroom visits about services we offer
  • Classroom workshops on a variety of topics such as stress management, introduction to wellness, test anxiety, etc.
  • Departmental or divisional workshops for faculty on topics such as "Trauma Informed Practices" and "De-escalation Skills"
  • Professional development workshops offered during the academic year scheduled though the MCC Office of Professional and Instructional Development
Last Modified: 3/25/24