
It is your choice whether or not to discuss your use of mental health services with family, friends or Middlesex Community College faculty/staff. Other than the Wellness Counselor, no one will have access to your mental health information without your signed written consent. These records will not become part of your educational records at MCC, and no other department in the College has access to these records. Even the fact that you have visited the Wellness Counselor will not be shared with anyone, inside or outside Middlesex, without your permission.

There are several exceptions to confidentiality allowed by Massachusetts state law. These exceptions include situations in which you are assessed to be a danger to yourself or others, or if you disclose that a child, disabled person, or an elderly person is being abused. In these situations, the Wellness Counselor has a legal obligation to inform the appropriate authorities.

Further information about confidentiality is included within the Intake form that you will complete prior to your first appointment. This information will be reviewed during your first session. If you have questions or concerns about this policy don't hesitate to bring them up with the Wellness Counselor.

Last Modified: 8/4/23