Campus Security Authority (CSA) Incident Report

Campus Security Authority Incident Report

Each year Middlesex Community College publishes an Annual Security Report, as required by the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (the “Clery Act”). MCC is required to compile and publish statistics regarding the occurrence of certain criminal offenses that are reported either to the local police agency or to any official of the college who is considered to be a Campus Security Authority under the Clery Act.

The details of this report will not be made public only the number of crimes occurring will be released. In addition, your name will not be released. This form should be submitted when there is a report from a student, an employee or third party. The College’s Clery Compliance Administrator will use this information to verify the appropriate classification of the incident/crime.

Please save the file locally from the website, fill it out and click the submit button. You will then be prompted to choose a mail program which attaches it to the new mail message.  Make sure you hit send on your email.  If you prefer a pdf version of this form, please email

Campus Security Authority Incident Report Form
Last Modified: 3/26/24