Academic Integrity Minigrant

Academic Integrity Working Group
Minigrant sponsored task force summer - fall 2016

Heloisa DaCunha, Education and Public Services Faculty
Jennifer Pisarik, Behavioral Science Faculty
Kimberly Morrissey, Business Faculty
Dora Ottariano, Mathematics Faculty
Kate Baker, English Faculty
Ashli Ree, Business Faculty
Rebecca Newell, Associate Dean of Students
Deb Botker, Department Chair, Social Science Division

Purpose and Charge:  It is apparent that academic integrity violations are pervasive and new solutions are being sought by faculty.  This is an issue for both fact-to-face and with web-based resources.  Recent surveys and focus groups with faculty have confirmed the need for an institutional response in addition to individual faculty actions.  Based on the data and comments shared, a small working group representing various divisions, convened to review the current resources and protocol and independently researched a variety of approaches.  The team was charged with researching best practices to update the MCC response to the ever-changing academic environment/climate and prepare recommendations that would support faculty and student personal and professional development and provide proactive resources in addition to suggestions for enforcement.


  1. Develop a comprehensive on-line resource center for students and faculty to include:

    • Resources such as the Library libguides and ACE plagiarism tip sheet
    • Links to internal and external resources and how to avoid plagiarism
    • Camtasia and other tutorials on how to cite, etc.
    • Suggested language for syllabi
    • Information on support services
    • Tips for how to best use Safeassign
    • Definitions, Honor Code, Guidelines, etc.
  2. Collaborate with ACE, Library, and FYE/Orientation to develop a variety of resources including "traveling" presentations by professionals and Student Leaders.

  3. Adapt Small Incident Form or create new form for faculty to submit to Community Standards Office for tracking assessment, and potential follow-up using conduct process when egregious or repeat offense.  Considerations for process include:

    • Tracking would occur using MCC's Symplicity web-based platform that flags repeat circumstances
    • Submitted forms would be confidential to the degree allowed by FERPA
    • Students would be afforded due process and if found responsible may have sanctions imposed.  This would be separate from, in addition to, and would not interfere with the academic process outlined in the syllabus (grade appeals could still apply).

  4. Develop onboarding support for students to proactively raise awareness at earliest points in their education such as at New Student registration, FYE classes, or as a first assignment in English Comp.  This might include on-line modules, case studies, or short quiz where students would receive a notation in Degreeworks once completed.

  5. With campus-wide input, create a consistent procedure with step by step guidelines for faculty to follow when faced with possible violation.  Procedure would give optional resolutions and be cognizant of the differences in types and severity depending on subject and course.  Procedure would be developed and supported broadly and not impose upon academic freedom nor contradict or confuse the existing conduct language and protocol.

  6. In all of its communication, the College would use the existing definition for Academic Integrity.  Marketing- both in print and electronic, in and out of the classroom, will represent a common message emphasizing the value of integrity and will be distributed and made available in myriad settings.  An inclusive statement indicating this value and supporting policies apply to everyone - day, night, full time, part time, on-line and in person - would complement the language.  These intentional efforts would serve to change culture so that the value of integrity is underscored in all that we do and shared by all members of the community.

  7. Trainings, tools, support, and additional professional development for new faculty would be made available via the new faculty orientation, on-line, etc. to include topics like how to best use Safeassign.  Casual discussions might be arranged for table top exercises and sharing of best practices.

Follow up:

The Academic Integrity Working Group will share findings and recommendations at October Division meetings and collect feedback.  Future action plans will be developed based on comments and considerations and may include the development of an implementation committee.  Future committee members may include faculty, stakeholders from Student Affairs (Community Standards, International, Academic Centers), the Library, and IT.

Last Modified: 3/26/24