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Community Education and Career Training · 1-800-818-3434.
MA Real Estate License
Exam Prep
In partnership with the Real Estate Institute of Massachusetts, this 40-
hour classroom course, mandated by the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, features both lectures and audio-visual materials.
Upon completion you will be prepared to sit for the Mass. Real Estate
Salesperson License Exam. Topics include: Real and personal property
rights, contracts and deeds, condos and co-ops, timeshares and leases,
fair housing laws, finance, brokerage and appraisal principals, Mass.
laws and regulations. Textbooks and test disks are included in the
tuition. By the end of the course, you will have learned everything you
need to pass your written examination. Exam fee not included in the
tuition. Participants must complete all 40 hours to receive a certificate
of completion which is required to sit for the exam. Partial credit is
not awarded. Not eligible for tuition waivers. (40 hours) $300
LC 101
CAR 733 80
2/28 - 4/4
HH 111
CAR 733 30
No class March 21
Technical Writing
Certificate Program
MCC's Technical Writing Certificate Program provides students with the
skills and tools to clearly and accurately inform users about technical
information. In this 120-hour post graduate noncredit certificate
program, students will learn how to conduct audience and task analysis,
work with subject matter experts, understand product documents and the
product-development cycle, write clear procedures, review and revise
technical information, manage projects and make content usable. Also
covered are HTML and XML and tools for authoring information for
electronic and print distribution (Adobe FrameMaker 10, RoboHelp).
Through lecture, online learning, and projects, students will create a
portfolio featuring samples of their work. Technology Requirement: Solid
MS Windows and access to a MS Windows Operating System are required.
Technical skills such as FrameMaker, RoboHelp, DITA, and HTML will be
learned in class. Students must have an aptitude for learning new
technology. Classes are not eligible for waivers. (120 hours). For more
info, contact Sheila Morin, or
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