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Community Education and Career Training · 1-800-818-3434.
Social Media Certificate Program
The Social Media Certificate program is designed to provide participants with a foundation
and skill set in the new, evolving world of social media. The skills can be applied immediately
in the workplace or to market a small business. All eight classes must be attended in order to
achieve a certificate. In order to get the most of each class, students should open an account
in each platform prior to the start of class. Time will not be spent creating accounts in class.
The listing below represents the order the classes occur in throughout the semester. (16 hours)
LC 202
TEC 640 80
AR 102
TEC 640 30
Introduction to Social Media
Everyday people are logging into social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and
Pinterest. Pinning, tweeting, watching amateur videos, blogging and updating your status is
just as common as turning on the television. This course gives you an overview of the major
social media sites and provides some examples of how individuals are using social media to
brand themselves and businesses are using social media as a marketing tool. (2 hours)
There's a lot to "like" about Facebook
In the fast-paced world of social media marketing, some could argue that Facebook still is
king (or queen). Are you interested in learning how to utilize Facebook to market your
business or product? Want to feel more engaged with your customers? This workshop will
introduce you to the basics of business-based social networking, get you into Facebook for
some hands-on learning and generate plenty of discussion about the advantages and
disadvantages of this phenomenally popular website. Topics include: Business pages, groups,
events, promotions, applications, targeted advertising and insights. (2 hours)
Advanced Facebook
This course is a continuation of Facebook. The instructor will expand upon the content
previously taught as well as discuss more ways to help your business by using this platform.
(2 hours)
Twitter Launch for Small Business
What is a tweet and why should your customers care? Learn the secrets of engaging with your
prospects and existing clients in 140 characters or less. Included will be the 5 essential best
practices for Twitter use for small and growing businesses. (2 hours)
Pinterest, Instagram and more!
Pinterest is taking social media by storm growing at a pace much faster than Facebook. Learn
how to pin, what to pin and how pinning can play a major role in a social media marketing
plan for a business. The class will also spend time on Instagram and other applications. This
class will be a lecture format with no time spent on personal platforms. (2 hours)
LinkedIn has fast become the online networking application of choice. In this class you'll learn
the features of LinkedIn and how they can help you in business and the job search. Topics
include: home page, your profile, recommendations, contacts, groups, and jobs. (2 hours)
Advanced LinkedIn
This course is a continuation of LinkedIn. The instructor will expand upon the content
previously taught as well as discuss more ways to help your business grow. (2 hours)
Social Media Marketing Plan
During this course, students will present their social media marketing plans and get feedback
from the instructors. Students should come prepared with the plan they have developed
throughout the duration of the certificate. (2 hours)
These courses take place at Minuteman Technical School, 758 Marrett Road, Lexington.
Registration is through Middlesex Community College.
WordPress Made Easy
Build your own website and blog easily. Using WordPress, you'll learn to build, edit, and
customize your own website--without any knowledge of HTML. We'll learn both technical setup
and creative customizations, tailoring our efforts to the interests and needs of the class.
Students should be comfortable using a computer and the Internet. Students should expect an
additional expense if they choose to purchase a website domain and host. (16 Hours) $230
TEC 646 33
TEC 646 34
Search Engine Optimization
Improve the visibility of your website with search engines like Google. In this seminar, you
will be taught sure fire ways to improve the indexing of your site in popular search engines.
You will walk away with knowledge you can immediately implement on your webpages and
add a marketable skill to your resume. Using Social Networking sites to drive traffic to your
site will also be discussed. (2 Hours) $30
TEC 650 33
TEC 650 34
Blogging for Marketing and Fun
Create your blog to enhance your career, build marketing talent, raise funds, or become a
journalist. Use your blog as a publicity and marketing engine. (3 Hours) $40
TEC 651 33
TEC 651 34
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