Globalize with Student Learning Outcomes

Remember to Globalize With Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)!

Here are some SLO language and examples.  Use any or all that are helpful:

This course supports the following MCC Institutional Student Learning Outcomes: Multicultural and Global Literacy, Personal and Professional Development, Critical Thinking, and Social Responsibility (or other appropriate SLOs)

Students will be able to…

1. Demonstrate cross-culture awareness through recognition of individual cultural differences and perceptions

2. Think critically using knowledge gained from diverse cultural frameworks to problem solve and evaluate sources

3. Explore aesthetic and creative expressions of other cultures

4. Integrate knowledge of diverse cultures into a cohesive world view

5. Examine globalization and the types of changes over time created for individuals, societies, and cultures

6. Devise connections between often seemingly dissimilar contexts of perspectives on international interdependence and globalization

7. Identify and analyze the process of societal change in specific global regions

8. Identify ways in which the uneven distribution of social power and collective resources impact the civic and cultural sphere

9. Analyze the multiple cultural dimensions of global regions and their connection to domestic issues: literary, artistic, historical, political, economic, and environmental

10. Synthesize or integrate international issues to their own fields of study in both written and oral work

11. Demonstrate the ability to complete research by writing a research paper and creating a portfolio of artifacts that analyze individual and cultural differences

Last Modified: 10/3/24