
Full Time Faculty

Heloisa DaCunha
, Program Chair, B.S., University of Massachusetts at Lowell; M.A., University of Massachusetts at Lowell

Adjunct Faculty

Ronald D. Brevard, B.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., Anna Maria College

Kenneth Lavallee, B.S. Northeastern University; M.A., Boston University;

Marisol Nobrega, B.A., University of Massachusetts Lowell; M.A., University of Massachusetts Lowell; Certificate in Leadership & Policy Development, Certificate in Forensic Criminology; Captain, Lowell Police Department (current)

Peyton Paxson, B.S., M.A., University of Texas; J.D., University of Texas School of Law; Ph.D., Boston University

Lynda J. Pintrich, B.A., M.P.A., C. W. Post Center, Long Island University; Ph.D., City University of New York, John Jay College


Last Modified: 10/3/24