MCC Institutional Student Learning Outcomes



Written and Oral Communication

For example…

  • Written assignments
  • Oral presentations
  • Use of relevant information literacy skills
  • Effective use of technology


VALUE Rubrics:




Multicultural and Global Literacy

For   example…

  • Intercultural knowledge
  • Global issues
  • Interactions that build diversity awareness
  • Diverse forms of creative expression
  • Aesthetic Appreciation
  • Historical, political, and economic perspective

VALUE Rubrics:






Personal   and Professional Development

For   example…

  • Achievement of academic goals
  • Career Readiness
  • Self Assessment
  • Responsibility for learning and personal development
  • Professionalism
  • Leadership
  • Wellness
  • Collaboration





Critical  and Creative Thinking and Problem Solving

For   example…

  • Analysis
  • Synthesis
  • Evaluation
  • Creative thinking
  • Development of logical conclusions


VALUE Rubrics:




Social Responsibility

For example…

  • Sustainability
  • Civic engagement
  • Social justice
  • Ethical frameworks
  • Social policy frameworks


VALUE Rubric:  



Quantitative Literacy (added 2011)

For example…

  • Interpretation
  • Representation
  • Calculation
  • Application/Analysis
  • Communication of quantitative information


VALUE Rubric: 


Strategies for improvement generated by our ISLO assessment work:


  • “One course does not a Writer (Critical Thinker, etc.) make.”General Education revision moves focus away from previous Intensive Values distribution requirements (e.g. one Writing Intensive course) to intentional, explicit integration of ISLOs into all General Education courses and co-curricular activities, providing multiple opportunities for students to practice and receive feedback with each ISLO.(2011-2014)


  • Title III grant provides funding for Engagement Specialist to facilitate increased integration of curricular and co-curricular learning experiences in support of student development of ISLOs throughout their college experience. Led to the development of the Center for Leadership and Engagement which has become a hub for this work. (2008-2013)


  • Proposal funded by DHE to support collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Lowell to integrate and assess Quantitative Literacy within four non-STEM high transfer programs. (2012-2014)


  • Writing Coaches from English Department held faculty workshops and attended department meetings to support consistent expectations for student writing across the college. (2007-2010)


  • Disaggregation of CCSSE results by ISLO, data triangulated with direct student evidence of ISLO achievement to provide student perspective. (see results for Social Responsibility and Personal and Professional Development in 2008)


  • Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning integrated throughout faculty development offerings–new faculty orientation, FYE faculty workshops, mid-career faculty institutes, ISLO assessment norming sessions, Title III curriculum design workshops.


  • Program Review process revised to include assessment of program-level student learning outcomes aligned with ISLOs (2006). Programs use ISLO assessment results to inform assessment work at the program level, allowing them to drill down to the scaffolding, development and assessment of contextualized ISLOs. (see


Last Modified: 10/3/24