MCC Student Access and Support Services

Student Access and Support services are available to students that have documented disabilities. It is important to note that academic accommodations available at the college level differ from those available at the high school level. The following are Frequently Asked Questions for Dual Enrollment Students

What does Student Access and Support Services at MCC provide?

Student Access and Support Services at MCC provides accommodations and support services to students with documented disabilities. Qualifying disabilities include, but are not limited to: learning, psychiatric/emotional, neurological, ADHD/ADD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and medical, mobility or sensory disabilities.

What are typical accommodations provided at the post-secondary level?

  • Test taking accommodations – extended time and/or distraction reduced test environment
  • Textbooks in an alternate format
  • Arranging for note takers or arranging for copies of class notes
  • Assistance with tape recording lectures
  • Access to adaptive equipment and assistive technologies

What are some support services that the student may access?

  • Assistance with time management, study skills, compensatory strategies and organizational skills
  • Assistance with self-advocacy and/or referral to other college resources or services.

What services may not be included?

Under most circumstances the following services will not be included as part of the post-secondary accommodations:

  • Modified curriculum or modifications to timelines and course expectations
  • Extension of deadlines for assignments
  • Waiver of attendance or classroom policies
  • Personal-care attendants
  • Equipment and software for off-campus use
  • Learning Disability Testing
  • Transportation
  • Financial assistance
  • Escorts to and from class

What is the process for seeking accommodations and support services?

  • A student declares his/her disability through the Voluntary Statement of Special Learning Needs form and provides documentation for each disability identified.
  • If the student is requesting accommodations for the Accuplacer College Placement Test (requests for a distraction reduced environment and/or extended time for the writing portion of the test), documentation must be submitted and reviewed prior to receiving the test accommodations.
  • Following review of documentation by Student Access and Support Services, the student is contacted to schedule an appointment for an intake meeting. The intake meeting provides the student and the College with an opportunity to engage in an interactive process in order to develop an effective accommodation plan.  The intake meeting typically lasts approximately one (1) hour. 

Is the High School Individual Education Plan part of this documentation ?

 Do the services on the IEP continue at the post-secondary level?

  • The High School IEP is useful information to provide, however, it must be accompanied by current diagnostic documentation (in most cases not more than 3 years old). This is the testing, evaluations and/or reports which the family or High School conducted for the student to receive their IEP services.
  • The accommodations and services provided through an IEP are not necessarily the same as the accommodations provided in a post-secondary setting.


What is the responsibility of the dual enrolled student?

  • Access to accommodations and support services in a post-secondary setting are student directed.
  • It is the College’s expectation that the student will self-advocate and communicate directly with faculty and Student Access and Support Services staff.
  • The student can access assistance with self-advocacy skills if requested.
  • Student Access and Support Services staff do not provide the same services or perform the same functions as a High School Special Education Liaison


How does the student contact Student Access and Support for more information?

Bedford: 781-280-3630                             Lowell: 978-656-3258

Last Modified: 10/3/24