The Career Decision-Making Process

Selecting a career is not an isolated, one-time event. It is a work in progress. This is true whether you are a brand new graduate, a mid-life career changer, or someone approaching retirement. Good career decision-making is based on a five-step process, which can be learned and utilized over your lifetime. These steps include:

Step 1: Learning about Yourself (Self-Assessment)

Step 2: Exploring and Researching Careers

Step 3: Conducting an Effective Job Search

All of these steps are important, but perhaps the key to making good career decisions rests most firmly on step one: getting to know yourself. Understanding who you are, what you like and dislike, what motivates and challenges you, and what is frustrating to you, will lead you toward some occupations and away from others.

? Karen James, Assistant Director, at or (781)-280-3639 Bedford

Last Modified: 3/26/24