Digital Forensics

Where criminal justice joins forces with computer technology.

The Digital Forensics (DF) programs at Middlesex represent a unique collaboration between three Massachusetts community colleges and the University of Massachusetts/Boston. Supported by a Computer Forensics Advanced Technology Education (CFATE) project grant from the National Science Foundation, Middlesex now offers certificate and associate degree programs in Digital Forensics.

Digital Forensics is a new and emerging field of criminal investigation combining a knowledge of digital technology with an understanding of the criminal justice system and local, state and federal laws. This field is ideal for information technology and criminal justice students and professionals interested in exploring how computer technology can be applied to the investigation of computer related crimes. The curriculum integrates computer technology and criminal justice elements throughout the required courses.

Extensive hands-on training will be provided in MCC's new, state-of-the-art digital forensics laboratory located on the Lowell campus. This practical learning lab offers students a unique opportunity to learn how to use computer forensics tools necessary to collect and analyze digital evidence from computer systems, networks, wireless communications, and storage devices in a way that is admissible as evidence in the court of law.


Professor Sanaz Rahimi, Computer Science Department Chair

Last Modified: 3/25/24