
GOV 110- Comparative Government

  • Explain the historical and political origins of modern nations.
  • Summarize and assess the impact of a nation's past on its modern governmental structures.
  • Analyze the concept of political culture as a way of understanding each nation.
  • Appraise the role of political parties and elections in selected western and non-western nations.
  • Explain the contributions of various political thinkers to the evolution of modern nations.

GOV 115- International Relations

  • Identify the different methodologies for explaining International Relations
  • Examine the national interests of foreign policy decisions
  • Explore the different economic systems and their influence on the global economic system
  • Assess the diplomatic and military options for conflict resolution
  • Analyze the effectiveness of global governance systems for International Relations

GOV 120- American Government

  • Analyze the organization, powers and operations of the three branches of government.
  • Identify the historical and philosophical origins of the American government.
  • Recognize and analyze the evolution of the American government.
  • Identify the origins and changing relationship between the federal government and the states.
  • Describe and appraise the relationship between the federal government and the American people in regard to their civil liberties and civil rights, as well as their access to public benefits and services.
Last Modified: 2/7/24