Engineering Technology/CAD (Computer Aided Design)
The Engineering/CAD Technology curriculum provides a solid foundation in mechanical, electrical, and architectural drafting, printed circuit design and use of microprocessors. The CAD labs at Middlesex are equipped with computers that complement the popular AutoCAD, Inventor, and SolidWorks software for mechanical courses, Architectural Desktop and Revit for architectural courses and PADS-PCB for printed circuit board design courses. Students create drawings in 2D and 3D, generate solid models and explore animation techniques, all skills sought in the fast-growing, high-salaried field of computer aided design. Drafting techniques and microcomputer systems, database, spreadsheet and word processing are interrelated. As a result, students gain versatility in various areas of CAD, in addition to technical proficiency.
Career and Transfer Outlook
Graduates of the program are qualified to pursue jobs in various industries with departments in mechanical design, printed circuit design, manufacturing or architectural design. Many graduates of the CAD associate degree have continued their studies toward a bachelor's degree in engineering or engineering technology.
For more information contact:
Cristopher Algarra, Computing and Engineering Technology Department Chairperson