iOER Resources

Below are examples from two categories of interactive open educational resources.

Serious Games

Serious Games are "are designed for the purpose of solving a problem. Although serious games can be entertaining, their main purpose is to train, investigate, or advertise." In the past decade, game-based learning has made considerable strides due to improvements and increased access to the digital platforms on which these games are played.

Below are links to a sampling of serious games that are used to promote learning. They vary in complexity of design.

  • Evil Landlady - This serious game is an "action maze" or simulation intended to train ESL students studying in Canada how to navigate the cultural norms of their new country. (ESL)
  • Killer Flu - Teaches how flu is transmitted and its effects (Health Sciences)
  • Londoner - A historical simulation game intended to teach students about life in 17th century London. (History & Sociology)
  • Free Rice - a tool that promotes acquisition of English vocabulary and helps address world hunger. (English & ESL)
  • Campaign Rush - Developed for CNN during the 2008 presidential race, this game acquaints players with some of the complexities of modern political campaigns (Political Science & Communications)
  • Spent - This digital game was intended to simulate the experience of being someone attempting to succeed on a minimum wage salary.

Simulations (Sims)

Simulations are interactive learning tools intended to mimic situations in which the learner must make decisions and exercise judgement.

Fire Science Sim

Rhetorical Simulations (Rhet Sims)

Last Modified: 8/4/23