Final Exams

Final Exam – Day Classes

Day faculty give and proctor final exams during final exam week.  View the Final Exam Schedule here. There is also a final exam schedule for asynchronous online courses.

Occasionally students cannot take an exam for some legitimate reason at the scheduled time. The instructor may make individual arrangements with the student to make up the exam.

College policy requires that there be a significant culminating assessment of student learning conducted during the final exam period, or in the case of the evening classes, the last scheduled class meeting. This policy is consistent with the fact that the finals week is contractually part of the semester and that student learning and/or assessment should take place during that time. It is understood, of course, that for some classes a traditional examination is not necessarily appropriate and that a suitable alternative form of assessment could be implemented or completed during the final exam period. If you plan to give an alternative assessment, please notify your dean by mid-semester.

Final Exams - Evening Classes

Final exams for evening, weekend, and summer courses are usually given during the last class. The instructor makes individual arrangements with students for make-up exams or activities; in such cases, a copy of the final exam must be sent to the division dean and their grades to the Student Information Center or entered through MiddleNet.

Last Modified: 8/4/23