Academic Notice (No Hold) Instructions

What should I do now that I am on Academic Notice?

You have already successfully completed an intervention course, so another is not required of you. However, if you completed a course other than PSY 125-The Psychology of Success or IDS 110: The Choices We Make, you may consider enrolling in either of these courses for the next semester.

Does being on Academic Notice impact my course selection?

Maybe. If you have already selected your courses for this coming semester, you should meet with an advisor to discuss possible changes to your schedule. Retaking classes you have previously been unsuccessful in is a very good strategy to help raise your GPA. Only the highest grade is used to calculate your GPA. Make an appointment with an academic advisor to discuss your options and plan for your academic success.

If you have not selected your courses for the coming semester yet, meet with your advisor or call 1-800-818-3434 to schedule an appointment to attend an advising and registration session. Drop-in Academic Advising is available, please see the Academic Advising website for details: 

What other resources are available for students experiencing academic difficulty?

Don’t hesitate to contact your academic advisor. Your advisor can help you strategize and recommend other campus services to assist you. Other places where you can get extra support or advice:

  • Academic Support Services - Students can receive tutoring in a variety of subjects and get study skills assistance. (781) 280-3591(B) or (978) 656-3367(L)
  • Academic, Career and Transfer Center - Academic advising, help with career decision-making, and information regarding transferring is available in this office. 1(800) 818-3434.
  • Personal Counseling – Students can receive support to work on a variety of concerns such as test anxiety, motivation issues, personal problems and stress management. (781) 280-3630(B) or (978) 656-3258(L).
  • Student Access and Support Services – Students who are eligible to receive accommodations for physical, learning, psychological disabilities, and ADD/ADHD can receive information and support from staff in Student Access and Support Services. (781) 280-3630(B) or (978) 656-3258(L).
  • Financial Aid – Financial Aid Counselors are available to answer questions regarding your financial aid eligibility. (781) 280-3650(B) or (978) 656-3242(L).


If I’m on Academic Notice will this affect my Financial Aid?

It is possible. Financial Aid Probation is a separate process than Academic Standing. In order to maintain eligibility for Financial Aid, several factors are taken into account including your GPA, your course completion rate percentage and timeframe requirements for completing your program. It is very important for you to contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss your eligibility and financial aid status (781) 280-3650 or (978) 656-3242.

Last Modified: 3/26/24