KB101: Add/Remove Auto-Reply in First Class Email




An Auto-Reply is a message that is sent automatically when a new message is delivered to your mailbox. Auto replies are typically set up when someone will be away for a period of time (i.e., vacation). Auto replies should be removed when you return.

To Add an Auto-Reply
  1. Log in to First Class

  2. Click Edit > Preferences

  3. Click the Messaging tab

  4. Set "Local mail:" to "Yes"

  5. Enter reply text

  6. Click OK

To Remove an Auto-Reply

  1. Log in to First Class

  2. Click Edit > Preferences

  3. Click the Messaging tab

  4. Set "Local mail:" to "No"

  5. Select and delete reply text

  6. Click OK


Author/Source: Ellen Ricca

Date Reviewed: 4/10/2003